How quickly does Lipedema progress?

If you suffer from Lipedema like me, one of our biggest worries is how quickly it will progress and the different Lipedema stages we’ll go through. It’s no surprise that most women aren’t diagnosed until they reach the later stages. This is due to it being such a difficult diagnosis to receive. Many women are sent away by doctors claiming they are obese and need to lose weight, when that simply isn’t the case.

My BMI has always been healthy so that wasn’t the case for me. But even so, my diagnosis was increasingly difficult to come by. You have to be resilient and insist on being seen by a specialist. See my blog ‘How to get a Lipedema diagnosis’ for more details on getting my diagnosis in the UK.

But how quickly does Lipedema progress? The truth is, there’s no definitive answer to this question. Every woman’s case is different and there are various factors that affect Lipedema progression. Certain hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause can cause a rapid speed up of the progression.

The different stages of Lipedema

There are four different stages of Lipedema, if left untreated with no conservative measures your Lipedema will progress over time. Unfortunately, each Lipedema stage is more severe than the last. Surgical treatments such as WAL liposuction are more successful in the earlier stages, so if this is the path you plan to go down, it is advised to seek treatment sooner rather than later. See my blog ‘Why I opted for Lipedema liposuction’ for a breakdown of the reasons why I have chosen surgical intervention to treat my stage 2 Lipedema later this year.

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Stage 1 Lipedema

In stage 1, the skin generally remains smooth to the touch, but there is a noticeable increase in fat deposits, typically in the hips, bum, and thighs, and sometimes in the upper arms. The fat is symmetrical – meaning both sides of the body are affected equally – but it creates a clear and visible disproportion between the upper and lower body. With stage 1 Lipedema, the fat feels soft, and bruising may occur easily, even without injury. While there may be mild discomfort or heaviness, swelling is usually minimal and tends to improve with rest.

Stage 1 Lipedema Characteristics

Stage 2 Lipedema

Stage 2 Lipedema is characterised by visible changes in the skin’s surface, which may appear dimpled or uneven. Underneath the skin, fat nodules or lipomas can be both seen and felt, giving the tissue a lumpier, firmer texture. The fatty tissue becomes more fibrous, and swelling may persist throughout the day, unlike in stage 1. Bruising remains common, and the affected areas can feel tender or painful, especially when touched or after prolonged standing.

Stage 2 Lipedema Characteristics

Stage 3 Lipedema

In stage 3 Lipedema, the accumulation of fatty tissue becomes more extreme and pronounced, often causing ‘deformities’ in the shape of the body. This is particularly noticeable around the thighs, knees, and lower legs, where large folds, lobes, or extrusions of fat may develop. This may start to interfere with day-to-day movement, making walking, sitting, or standing for long periods uncomfortable or difficult. The fat at this stage is typically harder and more fibrotic, and pain or sensitivity may be constant. Skin irritation or infections in the folds can also become more frequent due to friction and moisture build-up.

Stage 3 Lipedema Characteristics

Stage 4 Lipedema

Stage 4 Lipedema is considered the most advanced stage and involves the development of Lipo-lymphedema – a condition where Lipedema and secondary Lymphedema occur together. In this stage, the lymphatic system is impaired, leading to fluid retention, swelling, and the feeling of heaviness in the affected limbs. This results in large overhangs or lobes of tissue, especially on the legs and sometimes the arms, which may hang over the knees, ankles, or elbows. The skin may become thickened or hardened, and infections such as cellulitis become more common. Mobility is often severely limited, and day-to-day activities can be significantly impaired.

How quickly does Lipedema progress?How quickly does Lipedema progress?

As I’ve already mentioned, there is no concrete answer to this question, every woman’s case is unique with varying symptoms and aesthetic appearance. Personally, my Lipedema has progressed from stage 1 as a teenager going on the pill at 15, to stage 2 as a 31 year old. The transformation has been slow, however I have always followed a healthy diet and kept my weight down in an attempt to slow down the spread of the condition.

To put things into perspective, researchers have estimated that, on average, it could take around 17 years to reach the Lipo-lymphedema phase. 17 years is a long time. And I don’t believe that to be entirely accurate, if sufferers follow conservative measures and maintain a healthy lifestyle, I think the progression can be slowed down significantly and some women would never reach stage 4 in their lifetime.

The age of onset varies from patient to patient. Some women first begin to suffer during puberty, like me. Others will develop the condition later in life. It is quite clear based on medical research that hormonal changes in the body causes Lipedema to get worse. This is bad news for us ladies, hormonal changes are inevitable especially menopause.

In conclusion, the question – how quickly does Lipedema progress? – is as long as a piece of string. Nobody can possibly answer that without seeing your body, hearing your symptoms and looking at your progression since the condition started.

The best advice I can give for those worrying about their Lipedema and how quickly it will spread is to try an anti-inflammatory diet and other conservative measures such as compression garments. And if you’d like to remove your Lipedema completely, do some research on surgical interventions such as WAL liposuction.

Disclaimer: My blogs talk about Lipedema, diet, surgery and much more. I’m talking from my point of view to help women, and remind them they are not alone. I am not a medical professional, so the content above is from my own perspective with research I have done into the topic. It’s not meant as medical advice, you should always consult your doctor or a specialist for both your diagnosis, and a treatment plan. Also, this blog contains some affiliate links to products. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links. I only ever link to products that I use and recommend for the management of Lipedema symptoms. Thank you for your support.

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